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Light the Bonfire of Love with Chocolate Logs!

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Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Lag b’Omer, Beautiful People! Our sages said, „Who is wise? One who learns from every person” (Ethics of Our Fathers, 4:1). The first person in our lives we have a chance to learn from is MOTHER. From her we learn kindness, caring, and most importantly, unconditional love. Sometimes, it’s not a biological mother who does the mothering in one’s life, as proven by a phone call I just received from my adopted son. Here is a musical tribute to all mothers by the great Itzhak Perlman and the renown cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot.

This year, Mother’s Day coincided with a Jewish holiday Lag b’Omer. It is one of the less known holidays, yet a very important one. We celebrate it by lighting bonfires in memory of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai who was called „Botzina Kadisha” („The Sacred Lamp”) and whose teachings „illuminate the…

Vezi articolul original 355 de cuvinte mai mult

The Holocaust, miracles and revenge

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Inspiration from Zion: This is a Love Story

On April 24th Israelis will commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day.  This is not the same date as the International Holocaust Memorial Day. This date was chosen to emphasize the place of the Holocaust in the story of the Jewish people.

We do this by first celebrating Passover. One week later, we mark Holocaust Memorial Day.  Exactly one week after that is Memorial Day for IDF soldiers and victims of terrorism.  The following day is a joyful celebration, Israel’s Independence Day.

This pattern is deliberate. The message is very clear. The exodus from slavery to freedom is an on-going journey.  As we acknowledge during the Passover Seder: “In every generation [enemies] rise up against us, to destroy us, and every time God saves us from their hands.”

In other words, our very existence is a miracle.

The Passover story is relevant to our modern experiences. The lessons remain the same. The defiance…

Vezi articolul original 927 de cuvinte mai mult


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.Today is the 7th and last day of Pesach.We remember how on that day Moses led the newly-forming Jewish People out of Egypt through the split waters of the sea.”And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all the night,…

via Splitting the waters — Jerusalem Hills daily photo

Falafel Frida Defies Pharaoh

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Sursă: Falafel Frida Defies Pharaoh

5 easy things anyone can do to help Israel

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Inspiration from Zion: This is a Love Story

I’m writing this following a question from a friend overseas who asked me: “Besides sharing the truth about Israel, what can we do to help?” There are obviously many things that can be done. These are a just a few easy suggestions I put together to show how anyone, with little effort can make a difference.

What can I do to help Israel?

Spread truth –

The media war is just as important, and sometimes more so, than the war on the ground. There are more people involved in spreading lies than those involved and passionate about the truth. You can make a difference! Even a single candle can light the darkness.

Convenient sources:

  • Inspiration from Zion (my blog) – the untold and inspiring stories of Israel, see the real Israel and get inspiration for your personal life
  • StandWithUs – swiftly updating important and interesting stories from Israel. Subscribe to…

Vezi articolul original 583 de cuvinte mai mult

Precizare -Disclaimer

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Nu închid blogul,dar nu voi adăuga posturi noi.
Cele postate rămân deschise pentru cine vrea să vadă.
Voi introduce moderarea la comentarii(altfel sunt mari șanse să nu le văd,dacă vor fi).
Chiar dacă voi fi fizic mai puțin timp prezent pe blog, spiritul de „tu1074” va pluti deasupra blogului și a întreagei blogosfere 🙂 😀

I will not close the blog
but I will not add new posts.
The posted postes remain open to whoever wants to see them.
I will introduce moderating in comments(other ways I may not see them if they will be any)
Even if I will be physically less time present on the blog,the spirit of ”tu1074” will float above the blog and entire blogosphere 🙂 😀


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Dedicat celor care au trecut pe aici 🙂 ! – Dedicated to those who passed by here 🙂 !80 lalele-tulips tx

După părerea mea un blog care după 3 ani de activitate și 1000 de postări nu a reușit să acapareze în medie 24 de vizitatori pe zi(un vizitator pe oră, în medie !!!) nu este un blog îndreptățit să existe !

In my opinion, a blog that after three years of activity,and 1000 posts,can’t attract 24 visitors per day ( a visitor per hour, in average) isn’t a viable one, and don’t have the right to exist !

 Un salut cald și mulțumiri tuturor celor care au trecut pe aici,odată,accidental, sau mai des,vizitând,apreciind sau comentând cele 1000 de postări afișate până astăzi.Vă urez numai bine,sănătate și succes în tot ce veți face !  Rămâneți cu bine 🙂 !

A warm welcome and thanks to all those who have been here once or more often,visiting,appreciating or commenting on the 1000 posts posted. I wish you good health and success in all that you will do !  Farewell 🙂 !


Încă una… One more… :)))

16 comentarii

supraponderala-overweight                 Iar am pus kilograme pe mine… 😀 ! I have extra weight again… 😀 !

Delicat -Delicate

2 comentarii

delicat- delicate

Tandrețe… Tenderness…

6 comentarii

tandrete-  tenderness                           …frumoasa mea mamă 🙂 !  …my beautiful mom 🙂 !

M.F.C. 47(8) Cvartetul… The quartet…

36 comentarii

four green's                                 …de roșii Cherry 😀 …of Cherry tomatoes 😀
Miercurea Fără Cuvinte – W.W, a început la CARMEN


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…și numărătoarea inversă continuă… 😀 – …and the countdown is underway… 😀
numaratoarea inversa- countdown                       …de la 995 la 1000 de posturi !  …from 995 to 1,000 posts !

R.I.P… :(((

12 comentarii

Codita(Cody)                                …ieri a murit Codiță(poză din 24 Nov. 2010)  😦
…yesterday died Cody(picture from 11.24.2010) 😦

Triunghiuri… Triangles… :)))

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triunghiuri-  triangles                               …imperfecte, dar iuți 🙂 ! … not perfect, but hot 😉

Cât sunt de leneș,astăzi… :)))

2 comentarii

ce leneș sunt - how lazy I'm                        …și în fiecare zi 🙂   …how lazy I’m today, and every day 🙂

M.F.C. 46(7) Musafirul…

22 comentarii

musafir-guest                                                           …The Guest

Miercurea Fără Cuvinte – W.W, a început la CARMEN

Muscă – Fly

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Pe drumul… – On the route…

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spre marea moarta-on route to Dead Sea                                      …spre Marea Moartă. – … to Dead Sea.

Portret… Portrait…(3)

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eu... myself... …după cei doi cumnați ai mei,iată e rândul meu în alb-negru 🙂 …after my two brothers in law,here’s my turn in black and white 🙂

Orhideie… -Orchids…

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orhideie-orchids                                       …așa am văzut eu 🙂 ! …I saw so 🙂 !

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